The space: present, past and future! – 6è

The 6th-grade students, during these weeks, have been working on topics related to SPACE. They have searched for important information about the first man to set foot on the moon, the famous black holes, curiosities of our Milky Way, Spanish astronauts, spaceships, expeditions to Mars and much more! They have used computers and prepared PowerPoint…

Marxem de colònies! – 6è

La setmana passada, els alumnes de 6è de Primària vam gaudir de tres dies de colònies a Osona, concretament a Can Ton Xic, una casa molt especial i bonica envoltada de camps verds, animals i natura. En arribar, vam esmorzar i vam caminar pel voltant de la masia. A continuació, ens vam instal·lar a les…

Learning English!

During all these months, students from all grades have improved their English through different activities. Our goal is for students to gain confidence and fluency in the English language. That is why we propose to the older students activities in which they are the protagonists making oral presentations in front of their classmates. Children will…